Tuesday, July 24, 2012

thought - long thoughted

remember this moment when you knew, when those similar feelings stirred inside you, something oddly familar with this sucker punch, like a punch bowl full of love drunk.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

thought {} newness

got a sick new phone and its has a built in keyboard and now i have no excuse to not blogg on the go or everything for that matter

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

thought - i am what i am

dont forget who you are, and what you will become
there are only one of you and many clones of them.
your uniqueness and ability to adapt to a new situation
is keen, but left wanting.. practice your patience and
focus on things that need your attention, rather than you
wanting to give your attention to them.
be a better friend to yourself and
youll find out that youre never alone
and you your self will be is what is what is.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

thought -○¿○- opening the vault.

as emotions go, i ride them like waves, a water maverick at his best
described by some people as dramatic, comparable to live theater.
it flows from me, intense.
like an oceans roar
without a trace of reluctance.
i usually have battles with my ceaseless mind, processing everything twice
and a third time for good measure, reaching multiple conclusions
each commonly bidding each other for control. each viable for a center stage role
id love to use the easy excuse of being crazy, mad or any hint of delusional.
but im sadly aware of any variant as well.
i stab myself in the foot for being the better person,
but in itself is a pride issue to say that i am.
im no different from those i hold at arms length
perhaps i just have better leverage at this point.
at this stage in the journey.
its a deep space and i hear no echo
