zombies... at times i feel like a zombie in front my computer screen. stumbling away through the endless web, hopping from pandora, to skype, to travian, to anime and back again. all in good mindless fun. which brings me to a very random thought. one that my roommate egg, would definitely appreciate! here is some zombie art for your viewing pleasure. enjoy!.. (brains sold separately, and are not included)
- a clean design with some humor, like the layout great for a page header.
- a dark and menacing battle awaits for the hunter down the shaft.
- an old favorite, we always picture a zombie infestation with adults... i could imagine my nephews battling just as tough!!
and last but not least how can i leave out the zombie blazer? *cough* trailblazer that is.. bring me back to the old magic days.
I hate zombies. officially. they freak me out to the bone. true story.