i scour the net for many a thing. to occupy the part of my brain that awaits ever eagerly to be entertained by a new concept or theory. a slice of my alter ego to live vicariously through the author or person of interest in the story. to sometimes work both sides of the problem, devils advocate style, to flex my inner liberal subconscious. then every so often some true type font catches my eye and conveys an interesting message or point of view that motivates me weary bones enough to share. i usually try to keep my items of interest short and sweet, we all know about attention spans. blah! so i apologize in advance if you dont have the will at this possible moment. but find the way, as the next two posts are worth the time spent.
Google Shakedown sounds like some dirty mob politics across the Atlantic. some prideful Italian politicians felt the need to circumvent a standing EU law and slap google across the face with a white glove. with such parlor tricks other players are bound to follow suit..a wonderfully written article btw.
from the article : "This is the big principal affirmed by this verdict," Robledo said. "It is fundamental, because a person's identity is a primary good. If we give that up, anything can happen and that is not OK."
"Europe is too ideological. This is why we are not the place where Yahoo and Google were born," Maffe said. "Google has been developed with an American mindset, much more entrepenuer-friendly."
Intelligence Argument
a strong set of statements, back by a study leading to a theory. sets me and my self proclaimed being of an intellectual as novel. but equally making most of america cavemen like god fearing sheep. Its a very interesting read. and the comments that follow heat up the article to a nice winter debate
from the article : An earlier study by Kanazawa found that more intelligent individuals were more nocturnal, waking up and staying up later than less intelligent individuals. Because our ancestors lacked artificial light, they tended to wake up shortly before dawn and go to sleep shortly after dusk. Being nocturnal is evolutionarily novel. . . .
a comment at the article : Freethinker said " Conservative, fundamentalist Religious Christians did fight slavery. A republican freed the slaves. etc. etc. However many high level democrats in the 1920-1970s were members of the KKK.(the numbers will surprise you) Racism is a leftist trait. Hitler was a socialist (read leftist). Stalin (again a socialist) was also a racist. Obamas rev. wright is also a racist socialist."
- the eager brain thanks me.
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