Sunday, December 26, 2010

thought ◄ holiday cheer

its been a while since the season had an uplifting quality to it. aome obvious reasons. a handful of less dread but more worry. excitement! a crispness in the air. and electric quality to fitting myself for the cold. the black look seems to be in as well, i had to oblige! i dont miss you whites!.. HA!!.. or perhaps something familiar. either way im happy to be alive, and feel thankful for my blessings. i would feel greedy if i took time to count. a slight reminder electronically, and insurance for just incase shit.. that im highly appreciatve of this time, my heart has been revived !


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

thought ╞ calling out to

you hear me, loud and clear without a word thats sincere, between the lines right between my ears. a constant ringing, like the really early alarm on your phone, set to snooze? or just leave it alone. argue if you might you noticed this aprehension is valid, almost as much as when fat people order cobb salads. common sense to adult know-how, just when will it be applied? dont lowball. if we havent made our point just take a quick look behind you, it might remind you, of how blind you, can be..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

thought ╞ oganic finesse

i just caught my subconscious becoming fascinated with the strokes and slashes of my blue fine point sharpie. while i was allocating some data. dotting all the I's crossing all the T's even adding a couple of extras during my attempts at the numbers i feel theres a rarity or a lost quality in the particular art of penmanship. finess. while on the keyboard i can feel the robotic approach of rushing out my thought, through my hand past the keys onto the screen. my eyes taught focused monitoring my progress. even with my ergo-keyboard, and my hands resting in the "natural" position i still feel it as awkward. remember when you would do an assignment that required a lot of writing? well i would sometimes slant the paper in a crazy 58.9 degree angle and write in an upward diagonally style. so i could get that proper slant, and certain down stroke.. its all about the down stroke. ! ha
