Sunday, October 4, 2009

thought - diet

struck with a flash of brilliance one day and a mysteries of life happen to unfold before me. my brained swelled a bit and whispered.."proper health is essential!" and on that, my quest to achieve a healthier balance was born!

"everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room, every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person"
-an old indian dude..

a personal favorite!.(cleaning and proverbs - ha!!) since the physical being is mentioned first, we'll roll with it.
without question, its important to have a great foundation! and one simple way to build upon one, is to diet.(the political term "diaeta" is the origin of "diet" which means room) we should be always managing our diet! Im sure your first thought was, tasteless food and smaller portions? maybe?.. but it actually means "mode of life, or way of living". and no doubt eating is a lifestyle.
it takes ultimate control and will power to maintain a healthy food intake, one that is left alone can accumulate clutter within ones "diet". its especially difficult to have one that is processed food free. So we should take the simple direct approach. Perhaps an elimination of just one thing, it dosent seem too hard, right?

lets try - the elimination of corn syrup!...

read the ingredients next time you reach for anything not directly picked off a tree. and im almost fully convinced that it will have corn syrup within it. somethings cant even be considered,

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