a . 1 Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
2 The condition of being so stimulated.
b. An agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or
emotions or prompts action or invention.
c. Something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired.
i hope to be remembered for at the very least this one intangible. to make such an impression that you inspire, to relate and be that adaptable that you create.
the next set of pictures are from patrons at my workplace. kids! its a money bonus if you occupy the children long enough so the parents can enjoy their meal. hopefully ill hone this talent from just inspiring children, to inspiring adults.
-ella age 6 to 8. looked up and said "im doing what i like to do, numbers and shapes"
-maya age 5 to 7, when told "dont forget the saddle maya" she responded to me.."it dosent have a saddle, its a wild horse" i stood corrected!
-imdan age 7 to 9 commented on his cool looking hat, and asked if that was him in the first picture. He very politely said "no" but added "this one is megatron tho!!" pointing at the second.
Greg - 25 to 30.. A smooth start, with a rocking ending. long ticket time lead into a free salad and a recovery bowl of soup. during the long wait he called me "dennis the menace" to probably eased the tension..
I really like that he put a sling-shot in your pocket as well. I'm pretty sure that you kept one in your pocket as a kid...used it for two purposes as well. Shooting rocks at your brothers and pebbles at girls windows. :)